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The Pulse Extra is SLV Health’s monthly newsletter that arrives in your email inbox on the first Friday of each month. Stay up to date with news and events at San Luis Valley Health! Your email address will not be shared or sold in any way.

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Patient Rights and Responsibilities

As a patient of San Luis Valley Health (SLVH), we consider you a partner in your healthcare management. It is important to know your rights as well as your responsibilities to be an active member of your care team. We encourage you to understand and exercise your rights. If you need help in understanding your rights, please let us know.

Patient Rights & Responsibilities

Full Text

Patient Rights includes respectful and supportive care, nondiscrimination, right to treatment, information about treatment, participation in care planning, cultural and religious beliefs, advance directives and end of life care, restraints, research billing information, communication, confidentiality of health/medical information, visitation rights and protection services.

Patient Responsibilities includes accurate information, participation, condition of treatment, consideration and respect, financial fulfillment, concerns and complaints.

Derechos del Paciente Y Responsabilidades

En San Luis Valley Health (SLVH), consideramos a nuestros pacientes como socios en la gestión de la atención médica. Es importante que usted conozca sus derechos y responsabilidades para ser un miembro activo de su equipo de atención. Lo alentamos a entender y ejercer sus derechos. Si necesita ayuda para comprenderlos, háganoslo saber.

Derechos del Paciente Y Responsabilidades

Texto Completo

Derechos del Paciente incluye atención respetuosa y solidaria, no discriminación, derecho al tratamiento, información sobre el tratamiento, participación en la planificación de la atención médica, creencias culturales y religiosas, documento de voluntades anticipadas y cuidados paliativos, restricciones,investigación, información de facturación, comunicación, confidencialidad de la información médica y de salud, derecho a visitas, y servicios de protección.

Responsabilidades del Paciente incluye información correcta, participación, condición de tratamiento, consideración y respeto, cumplimiento financiero, y inquietudes y quejas.

Visitation Policy

The visitation policy at SLV Health applies to all facilities.

• Patients have the right to choose who will visit. If they do not want visitors, SLVH staff will respect their wishes.
• Disruptive behavior or violent actions towards SLVH staff members will not be tolerated.
• If staff feel the need to restrict or limit visitation due to the health and safety of patients or caregivers, such restrictions will be implemented.
• Most patients may have an unlimited number of visitors per day, but no more than 2 visitors or support persons at a time.
• Visitors for end-of-life patients may be considered differently on a case-by-case basis.
• Children are considered a visitor and must be accompanied by a responsible adult who is not the patient and may not be left alone with the patient or in any hospital area at any time.
• If a visitor is coughing, sneezing, or showing any other signs of respiratory illness they may be asked to wear a mask while on campus.
SLVH may make seasonal changes to this policy based on community contagion prevalence.

Out of Network Rules for the State of Colorado

Please click here to read the adopted emergency rules and disclosure notice, specifically part 7.1.3 and Appendix A for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment's Ruling.