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The Pulse Extra is SLV Health’s monthly newsletter that arrives in your email inbox on the first Friday of each month. Stay up to date with news and events at San Luis Valley Health! Your email address will not be shared or sold in any way.

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Patient Portal Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I am a caregiver and don’t know how to sign up my children/dependents so I can access their portal. What steps should I take?

A. You can use your own portal to view other accounts for which you are the caregiver or have received signed consent to view. There is no need to create separate accounts for each of them, you can access these records using your own portal account and can switch back and forth between the accounts on the portal. Please call Medical Records for assistance to add these accounts to your portal.

Q. I used to have access to my child’s account, but now I don’t. What happened?

A. The day your child turns 13, their portal will no longer be available to you as the caregiver without signed consent to allow you access to their account. Patients who are 13-years-old and older will need to create their own portal account and complete a Proxy form, which you can find here. Once this form is completed, you may fax it, email it, mail it, or drop it off in person to medical records. Fax: 719-587-1377; Address is 106 Blanca Ave, Alamosa, CO 81101, or

Q. I cannot find my immunization records. Where do I look?

A. If you received your shots or immunizations from SLV Health, they should be part of your medical record in your patient portal account. If you received shots within Colorado but outside of SLVH, you may access your records at the secure government site called the Colorado Immunization Information System’s patient portal. CIIS: Access My Immunization Records.

Q. I messaged my provider but I haven’t heard back. What should I do?

A. Please wait for up to 72 hours (3 normal business days) to pass. If you still did not get a reply, please call your physician’s office directly.

Q. I noticed that my prescriptions are not listed in my portal. How can I add them?

A. Edits to add or delete medications from your medication list should be entered by your provider’s care team. Please reach out to the clinic directly to have them update your list.

Q. The doctor I am trying to message is not in the drop down menu. How can I message a new doctor?

A. Only providers where you have already established care and/or had your initial visit with will appear from the drop down menu. To message a new provider, you must complete a visit with them first.

Q. If I pre-registered for my upcoming visit via the portal, do I still need to arrive 15 minutes early to check in?

A. Yes, registration and checking in are two different activities. When checking in, if you have already pre-registered, it should make the process quicker.

Q. How can I get my prescriptions refilled?

A. A prescription refill requires a visit with your provider within the last year. This may be in person or via telehealth. Contact your provider to schedule a visit.

Q. Why can’t I see my lab results in the portal?

A. If you used “Direct to Consumer” for any blood draws, the results will be sent to you directly and will not appear in your patient portal.

Q. The “forgot password” link didn’t work. What should I do now?

A. If you have already tried clicking on the Forgot Password and Forgot Login links, checked your email, and still cannot get it reset, please contact SLVH's Customer Service Team at Tegria, Monday-Friday, 7:00 am - 10:00 p.m. (719) 587-1392, press 1, or email

Q. How do I set up or access my new patient portal account?

Check your email and look for an email from "Your Trusted Partner in Health"

Click here for a guide on how to register your User Name and Password in order to login.

Click here for a playlist of videos on how to use the Patient Portal.

If you already set up your new portal account at your clinic appointment, please check your email for directions.

Contact SLVH's Customer Service Team at Tegria to set up a new account, Monday-Friday, 8-4:30 at 719-587-1392, and press 1.

Support for your Current Patient Portal Account

Click here for directions on how to reset your password. Please note: You will be locked out after 3 unsuccessful attempts and will need to be reset.

If you have been locked out or cannot access your current portal account, please contact SLVH's Customer Service Team at Tegria, Monday-Friday, 7:00 am - 10:00 p.m. (719) 587-1392, press 1, or email