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Colorado Indigent Care Program

The Colorado Indigent Care Program (CICP) provides discounted health services through qualified providers to Coloradoresidents, migrant workers, and legal immigrants who are uninsured or underinsured.

Father and son huggingCICP is not a health insurance program. Services are restricted to participating hospitals and clinics throughout the state.

Eligibility Requirements

1. Must be a Colorado resident or migrant farm worker and a U.S. citizen or legal immigrant.

2. Must have income and resources combined at or below 250% of the Federal Poverty Level. Click here for the "ability to pay"scale to see if your family size and income range would be eligible for this program.

3. Cannot be eligible for the Medicaid Program or Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+).

How it Works

Under CICP, applicants will not have to pay more than 10% of their income in a 12-month calendar period for medical services from a clinic or hospital participating in the program. This is referred to as the "co-pay cap." For example, a family of four with an annual income of $16,500 will have to pay co-payments up to $1,650. Applicants are responsible for keeping all paperwork that shows the co-payments that have been paid and must submit written note to the clinic or hospital once the family has reached the 10% co-payment maximum.

Applications must be completed by a clinic or hospital that is participating in the CICP. If you receive services at San Luis Valley Health, you may apply through our Financial Assistance department.

The applicant or responsible party must sign the application within 90 days of the date of service.