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SLVH's Snider Selected Preceptor of the Year by RTT Residents


From left: graduating resident, Dr. Elizabeth Wolfe-Meyer; Dr. Tammy Gregg, Alamosa RTT Residency Program Site Director; graduating resident Dr. Tysen Nickle; Dr. Allison Peddle, Residency Preceptor

Valley celebrates Alamosa Rural Training Track Residents’ Graduation!

[Alamosa, 7-8-24] - Valley-Wide Health Systems is pleased to announce that the Alamosa Rural Training Track (RTT) Residency Program had its sixth graduation ceremony on Thursday, June 27th, honoring Dr. Tysen Nickle and Dr. Elizabeth Wolfe-Meyer.

The mission of the Alamosa RTT Residency Program is to provide medical education and training for Family Medicine Residents in an accredited residency program while they live and work in a rural community. Training begins with the internship year at St. Mary-Corwin Medical Center in Pueblo, and the next two years are spent in Alamosa. The residency program is integrated with Valley-Wide Health Systems for primary care and with the SLV Health Hospital for specialty rotations.

Dr. Tammy Gregg, Valley-Wide Family Medicine Physician and RTT Site Director noted “Dr. Wolfe-Meyer will be returning home to take care of her neighbors growing up, the epitome of Family Practice, treating them with care, humility and excellence. Dr. Nickle will continue to further his studies and increase his skills to provide excellent care in the future”. Dr. Nickle has accepted an OMM Fellowship with Rocky Vista University. Dr. Wolfe-Meyer is going to a rural family practice clinic in Kansas.

The residents awarded “Preceptor of the Year” to Dr. Richard Snider from SLV Health. Dr. Snider commented “I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with such a talented and committed group of residents here at SLV Health. Their hard work and dedication to providing high-quality care will benefit patients for decades to come." Dr. Richard Snider is a Cardiologist at SLV Health.

Everyone at SLVH and VWHS will miss them greatly including their patients. We wish them well on their journeys.


From left: Dr. Carissa Tripi, Residency Preceptor; graduating resident, Dr. Elizabeth Wolfe-Meyer; Dr. Richard Snider, Residency Preceptor; graduating resident Dr. Tysen Nickle; Dr. Carmelo Hernandez, Residency Preceptor and SLV Health CMO