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Advancements in the SLV Health Women's Center

The SLV Health OB Team is excited about the addition of cordless fetal monitors in the Women’s Health Center. This piece of equipment allows for increased mobility for mothers who are in labor which has shown to have advanced results in speeding up the labor process.

“Moms don’t have to be in bed, and it allows them more freedom and comfort when they are in the hospital. It’s a huge patient satisfier,” commented Harli Monejano, OB/Postpartum RN.

Since 2017 Sandie Wehe’s Music Studio has done an annual show to help raise funds for SLV Health.

“We want the money to go towards something the music students can appreciate. They should get the kudos! They choose the project since they are the ones who make it all happen,” commented Kelly Gurule.

Cordless fetal monitors were a piece of equipment that the OB department had been wanting for a long time. This $21,000 project became a reality thanks to the funds raised from the 2022 Sandie Wehe Music Show paired with surplus funds from previous years from the SLVH Foundation and generous donors.  SLV Health is grateful to Mrs. Wehe and all of the students who learned about philanthropy through their many performances and donation.

The OB team at SLV Health is also proud to announce their attainment of the Celebrate 6 Award of Breastfeeding Excellence. This award “recognizes birthing facilities that have implemented evidence-based policies and practices known to increase breastfeeding success and improve maternal and infant health outcomes.”

Join Stephanie Posorske, local Nurse-Midwife and Certified Lactation Counselor for breastfeeding classes. Beginning January 26th, these will be held on the fourth Thursday every other month from 6:00 – 8:00 pm in the SLV Health Education and Conference Center.