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SLVH Foundation Purchases New Equipment to Enhance Surgical Procedures

Carla Christ, MD, General Surgery, poses with the new equipment at SLV Health.


Alamosa, Colorado. The San Luis Valley Health Foundation Board voted to approve the purchase of new equipment which will be an advancement in technology that will assist the SLVH surgery team.

The Savi Scout’s advanced technology replaces wire localization which marks the location of tumors in the breast before a patient goes into surgery. With wire localization, the patient would have their movement restricted while they waited to go into surgery, where the surgeon would follow the wire to extract the tumor. With the Savi Scout, this process is eliminated by using wire-free radar localization, enhancing the process for the surgeon and the comfort of the patient.

Janet McGinnis, SLVH Director of Radiology and Imaging, commented, “The Savi Scout equipment is a great addition to the breast program at SLV Health. The Savi Scout reflector is more precise which allows surgeons to find the area of concern within 1 mm of accuracy. The new system is a win for our patients and our providers. We are grateful for the fundraising efforts of the foundation to provide such high-tech equipment to our department for the benefit of the patients.”

Carla Christ, MD, General Surgeon, added, “Having the Savi Scout gives the doctor the ability to see how far they are from the marker and mass that we are going to remove. It allows for better flow through the day so patients can get the marker placed at any time before their surgery. The patient doesn’t have to sit around with a wire sticking out of the breast that could potentially get dislodged. We are excited to be able to offer the same technology that they are using in other facilities.”

“Providing equipment for SLVH is a top priority for our Foundation,” Kelly Gurule, Director of the SLVH Foundation, said. “Once presented to the Foundation Board, it did not take long to approve the funds needed to purchase the machine. This is a huge step forward for the health outcomes of our community. Anytime we can help patients access treatment and procedures locally, it is a win for everyone.”