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Reyna Martinez Brings Wealth of Experience as the new RETAC Coordinator

Reyna Martinez may look familiar because you may have met her as an ER Tech at SLVH RMC, an EMS responder with Alamosa Ambulance, a Victim Advocate for the SLV, or bringing meals to first responders. She recently accepted the position as the Regional Emergency Medical and Trauma Advisory Council (RETAC) Coordinator for the San Luis Valley. She brings all of this experience to the position, plus a passion for the medical field and coordinating activities in the community. Especially, she is excited about prevention and coordinating resources.Reyna Martinez

There are 11 RETACs in the state of Colorado, which are authorized to provide a coordinating approach to emergency medical and trauma care. Each council consists of five or more participating counties, which appoint individuals who volunteer their time to support the EMS and Trauma systems across the region. Check out their website at

Reyna has been busy in her new role coordinating resources, grants, education, training, and outreach in the region. She listens to the needs of the ten agencies that she coordinates with to individualize their needs. Maybe their need is for additional training, or perhaps assistance with a grant for equipment…she is able to obtain resources and share the information across these agencies, saving them time and effort.

“With the coordinating and collaboration of SLV RETAC and other agencies across the San Luis Valley, our first responders will receive the support and resources they need in order for them to continue serving our community and provide high-quality care to the community,” stated Reyna.

The SLV RETAC adopted the motto of “One Mission, One Team,” to stand united for all of the first responders in the region. “Our goal is to stand behind our first responders who have committed their lives to public service. They strive to serve with a passion, taking on difficult duties. When the community is in need, these agencies unite together as one team, working in unison.”

Roni Wisdom, Alamosa County Manager, remarked on the resources Reyna is already bringing to the valley. “She brought access to mental health services to all of the first responders and their families. She helped coordinate the SLV Teen Justice League for crime prevention activities, and she is supporting all of the services across the valley with food, training, and grants. She personally started dinners for first responders who were working on Christmas. Everyone appreciates how she brings us all together.”

Reyna appreciates all that Alamosa County has done to support her efforts and RETAC. “Although I am working for SLV RETAC, I am also working in conjunction with Alamosa County in order to be able to apply for all these grants and bring these additional programs and resources to the region. The Peace Officer Mental Health program, SLV Teen Justice League, SLV P.R.O.M., and Shield 10-78 are all made possible because of Alamosa County’s willingness to be the fiscal agent. These are all reimbursement grants, money RETAC does not have, and therefore Alamosa County has allowed me to apply for these grants under their supervision to be able to provide these services and resources.”

The Shield 1078 grant allows Reyna to purchase needed food for first responders who may have long events where they cannot leave the location. 82% of first responders in the SLV have already used some of the mental wellness services. And the first community event, a swim night, supported by the SLV Teen Justice League, will be held at Splashland on August 18.

“I learned from my mother who is a registered nurse, that when you receive, you give back. That is the motto of my work ethic. To give back, to bring needed resources, and to listen to the community to identify the needs. I am honored to support all of our first responders in this new role.” Reyna may be reached at