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SLVH Hosts Rural Medicine Focus Weekend

Sand DunesHow can rural healthcare entities introduce primary care clinicians who are in training to rural life and medicine?  By hosting a whirlwind weekend in a rural setting!  Ben Anderson, Vice President of Rural Health and Hospitals coordinated a Rural Medicine focused weekend in the San Luis Valley with the SLVH Recruitment team of Angela Werner, Kristina Pacyga-Pacheco, and CMO, Dr. Carmelo Hernandez, October 7-9, 2022.

Providers, clinicians, and senior leaders from the San Luis Valley along with Southern Colorado CEOs met with seven family medicine residents and six medical students from Colorado, Kansas, and Texas on Friday evening for dinner in Alamosa to kick off the weekend.

On Saturday morning, everyone attended a presentation and panel discussion which was a Continuing Medical Education (CME) event entitled "Rural Health Care Leadership Conundrum: The Burnout of a Good Doctor," presented by Benjamin Anderson. Dr. Hernandez facilitated the panel discussion.

Saturday afternoon and evening were a time for recreational outings to enjoy the Sand Dunes, hiking, and jeep tours.  Dr. Lindquist from SLVH La Jara Clinic hosted the residents and several community members at his home for dinner and a Sunday hike.

The host hospitals were San Luis Valley Health (local host), Valley-Wide Health Systems, Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center, and the Rio Grande Hospital. Clinicians from around southern Colorado attended along with CEOs and other senior leaders from San Luis Valley Health, Gunnison Valley Hospital, Rio Grande Hospital, Arkansas Valley Regional Medicine Center, and Valley-Wide Health Systems.  Lynne Jones from the Colorado Association of Family Medicine Residencies (CAFMR) and Dr. Mark Deutchman from the CU School of Medicine Rural Training Track also joined in on the weekend.  Sponsors to cover some of the costs were SLV Health, CHA, CPSI, TruBridge, International Jet, and CU Med RTT.