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SLVH Expands Art Collection at the Regional Medical Center

Alamosa, CO – The San Luis Valley Health Regional Medical Center has recently expanded its art collection!

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In 2018, Konnie and Damon Martin purchased the sculpture Running Girl created by Harold Linke. This was the first year the Alamosa ArtScape program had begun and one of the first art pieces to ever be purchased from the program. Konnie and Damon graciously donated the piece of artwork to the San Luis Valley Health Regional Medical Center. It has a permanent home next to the cancer treatment center which had just recently been built in 2018.

In 2019, the Martins purchased the piece Sandhill Cranes created by James Cable. This beautiful piece displays two cranes that were made out of found and repurposed materials. This piece has its permanent home located at the intersection of Blanca Avenue and Second Street on the RMC campus.


The most recent piece purchased by the Martins comes from the 2020-2021 Alamosa ArtScape. Artbitrium is a mosaic piece created by artist Kasia Polkowska in the shape of a multi-colored moth. “The moth demonstrates pure determination, always searching out light in the darkness,” according to artist Polkowska. This piece is located next to the southern entrance of the hospital on the corner of the Second Street parking lot, which is frequented by visitors, staff, and patients walking between the parking areas and the ancillary buildings.moth

While these three pieces from the Alamosa ArtScape can be found greeting patients and visitors at the SLV Health Regional Medical Center in Alamosa, you can also find other purchased pieces around town as well.

The City of Alamosa has purchased several pieces of artwork over the last four years. The Deluxe Spray It Fire Rocket by Jimmy Descant located at the corner of 6th Street and San Juan, Trouville by Kasia Polkowska located at the corner of Main Street and San Juan in front of Narrow Gauge Bookstore, Old Goat by Amyas Maestas located on the corner of San Juan and Main Street, Sisters by Huberto Maestas located on the corner of Main Street and San Juan in front of Friday Health Plans, Sunflower Whirligig by Kyle Cunniff located on Main Street in front of Maywa’s restaurant, Long Horn by Amyas Maestas located on Main Street in front of Thai Hut restaurant, El Pastor by Huberto Maestas located on 6th Street in front of the Alamosa Welcome Center,Gentle by Shohini Ghosh located on the corner of Main Street and San Juan in front of Revitalize Medical Spa, Balance in the Fray, by Cie Hoover located in front of Treasure Alley on Main Street, Forever in my Heart by James Cable located near Hospice de Valle on Main Street and Visions of the Valley by Adams State Media Program located on 6th Street and San Juan.

In addition to the generosity of the Martins donating the pieces to SLVH and the City of Alamosa art purchases, The San Luis Valley Dumb Friends League purchased a piece from the 2020-2021 ArtScape collection called Blues Dog by artist Aubin Maestas. This piece has found its permanent home and can be seen at the shelter at 701 Airport Road here in Alamosa.

The City of Alamosa has been pleased with the amount of interest and with the purchases of these pieces from the ArtScape program over the years! It is the hope that pieces will continue to be purchased and displayed for many years to come.

To view all the pieces displayed around town visit our website at

For more information or to discuss pieces, please contact Jasmine Husmann with the City of Alamosa at 719-587-2024 or at