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SLVH Conducts Community Health Needs Assessment

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Every three years San Luis Valley Health completes a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). Planning and preparations for the 2022 CHNA are currently underway. While the CHNA is a federal requirement of the IRS for non-profit hospitals to demonstrate their value by addressing the unmet health needs of communities served, SLVH also uses the information to help guide strategic priorities to improve its services. “The timing of this needs assessment is important as SLVH begins its work to set our strategic priorities for the next year. It’s a direct way for SLVH to respond to the various patient populations we serve,” said Christine Hettinger-Hunt, Chief Operating Officer.

SLVH will work with the Colorado Health Institute to facilitate discussions with key stakeholders from San Luis Valley counties to review evidence-based health care research and data, identify health needs, and then prioritize those needs. SLVH will also collect health surveys from Valley residents to provide input on top areas of concern. Based on community feedback, SLVH then determines how to use its capacity and resources to respond to identified needs.

SLVH conducted its last CHNA in 2019 and identified Access to Care; Chronic Disease Management; Mental Health Prevention and Improvement; Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery; and Poverty Mitigation as top priorities.

San Luis Valley residents are encouraged to participate in the 2022 process by completing a community health survey, following the links below to give input:



Survey responses are confidential and need to be returned by April 22nd to help inform priorities. Survey participants will be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card. If you have questions about this survey, please contact Christine Hettinger-Hunt at 719-587-1243 or Donna Wehe at 719-587-1209.