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Human Trafficking Luncheon

On June 14, 2022, 35 front line staff from SLVH attended an educational luncheon to learn how to identify victims of human trafficking. Colorado State Patrol Sergeant Mark Parsons shared photos, statistics, and stories from his experience in identifying and assisting victims from across Colorado. He stated that the issue, whether trafficked for sex or for labor, exists in many communities and often the victims enter the healthcare system at some point. Eslin Dominguez, RN, works as a nurse in the SLVH RMC Emergency Department. She organized the seminar because she believes that awareness and education for staff could empower them to intervene and possibly save lives.  Parsons commented, “It’s a big issue, a big money maker for these organized units. Sting operations can help get perpetrators off the street, but so can all of the healthcare workers who might encounter victims.”

Pictured above: Sgt. Mark Parsons, CO State Patrol, and Eslin Dominguez, RN, SLVH ED, glad that they could offer this educational opportunity for SLV Health frontline caregivers.