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Sporting Clay Classic 2021 a Success!

The Fall Sporting Clay Classic was a big success! It was held at the Del Monte Gun Club on August 21st and 22nd and all proceeds raised were donated to the enhancement project of the SLV Health Pharmacy, to benefit the cancer patients.

The exciting event began with registration of 81 participants (men, women and youngsters) from various areas of Colorado and New Mexico. San Luis Valley Health had 16 shooters who participated, with Clint Crowther as the top shooter. They rocked the event in style wearing matching, sporty shooter’s vests.

Saturday evening ended with delicious appetizers and desserts provided by the SLV Health Foundation. The highlight of the evening was an interactive and lively auction.

This is the 18th year the club has sponsored the event to benefit the SLV Health Foundation, and brought in over $20,000 for the pharmacy project!