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Eagle Air Med and SLV Health Celebrate One-Year Partnership

Pictured above is Eagle Air Med pilot, Cliff, posing with the life-saving rotor.

The directors at SLV Health were treated to a close-up view of the Eagle Air Med Rotor that has taken up residence on top of Alamosa’s Regional Medical Center before the start of their monthly leadership meeting. They also toured the new MED 101 ambulance and saw a demonstration of the LUCAS device, which assists responders in delivering CPR to victims.

In the past year, over 890 calls went out for emergency air transport from around the region that is also served by two fixed wing planes that are parked at nearby airports. The AStar H-125 helicopter has the capability to perform in extreme altitude. “We know that in some medical emergencies, time can be critical,” said Konnie Martin, Chief Executive Officer of San Luis Valley Health. “By having a helicopter here, we can get patients to our facility quickly and when needed, get them to a higher level of care. We appreciate our partnership with Eagle Air and their outstanding crew members as they continue to serve our community.”