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SLVH Celebrates Thanksgiving with Generous Donation to Community

L to R: Ressa Gonzales, SLVH; Annalise Baer, Garrett Gardner, and Connor McDonald, La Puente Food Bank Network; and Christina Valenzuela, SLVH.

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Employees at San Luis Valley Health donated some of their time last Friday and Saturday to help pack boxes to be delivered to area families for the annual Thanksgiving Food Box drive to ensure that families in the SLV don’t go hungry over the holiday. 23 staff members showed off their teamwork and generosity by packing 450 boxes and then helping load them into delivery vehicles.

SLV Health is a community hospital and cares deeply about providing food to local families in need. They generously donated $5,000 to the Thanksgiving Food Box drive to ensure healthy and abundant meals could be delivered to those who need them most.

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