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SLVH Patient Care Planner Passes Certification

SLV Health employee Helen Ross recently qualified as a certified care manager.

Congratulations goes out to Helen Ross, a 16-year SLV Health employee, who took and passed her exam to become a Certified Care Manager in December. Ross started as a receptionist in the SLV Health clinic, and then moved on to obtain certification as a billing and coding specialist. Currently, she has been working as an inpatient discharge planner for more than five years.

“Helen approaches her work with compassion and dedication,” said Promise Dyer, director of quality and safety for San Luis Valley Health. “She takes great care in making sure patients are connected to all appropriate services when they are discharged from the hospital.”

As a Certified Care Manager candidate, she met rigorous education, experience and supervision requirements to qualify for the exam. She was tested on content unique to care management, and passing the exam validates her knowledge and capability of performing the full range of management tasks.

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