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Victoria Chavez is Now an LPC

SLV Health’s Victoria Chavez has earned her LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor).

Victoria joined the SLVH Behavioral Health department in January of 2018 as a practicum student, screening patients in the SLVH’s primary care department, and providing exceptional support to our clinical care teams. After her practicum was over, she stayed on with SLV Health as an intern, taking on a panel of patients, while simultaneously building and marketing the Behavioral Health department’s community support groups.

“I’ve known I wanted to be counselor since middle school. I’ve been very lucky to have a lot of good role models who were in counseling positions all my life,” said Victoria.

When an opportunity presented itself to stay on full time as a Behavioral Health Consultant for the Rural Health Clinics when her internship was complete, Victoria jumped on the opportunity to continue supporting the community.

“I love the rural health clinics. Each one is special in their own way. They’re all completely different and I love the teams and people out there,” said Victoria. “I grew up in the valley and I feel like I mesh well with those communities. My favorite part of my job is the outlying clinics.”

She has been able to since expand her services into the Women’s Health department, working to integrate herself into a department delivering already exceptional service to ensure a team based approach and that all a patient’s needs are met.

Not only does she provide therapy sessions and intakes, but Victoria also screens patients who mention mental-health concerns during primary care and women’s health appointments and sets them up with referral resources.

Victoria has been an integral beacon for the Behavioral Health department and the SLV Health team is proud of her accomplishment and is eager to see how far she goes.

Congratulations Victoria!