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“Celebrate 6 – Award of Breastfeeding Excellence”

SLV Health’s Regional Medical Center was honored on September 2, 2020 at the 2020 Colorado Hospital Breastfeeding Summit. This award is presented annually to Colorado hospitals that demonstrate, through facility policies, that they have included at least six out of ten areas of focus to promote breastfeeding by the mothers in the San Luis Valley. This excellent support is awarded by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment through the Colorado Baby-Friendly Hospital Collaborative.

The awardees were recognized with a lunch, education, and celebration in a virtual event.

Attending the 2020 Summit for SLV Health were Monica Hinds, Interim OB Director and Director of SLVH RMC’s Emergency Department; CEO Konnie Martin; OB/GYN Providers Jacqueline Garrard, MD, Amy Robertson, MD, Shannon Gonzales, CNM, and Stephanie Posorske, CNM and Certified Lactation Counselor. Carmelo Hernandez, MD and CMO, accepted the award on behalf of the Women’s Health Team.