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SLV Health Donates Thanksgiving Food Boxes

The Alamosa Food Bank was the recipient of a donation by SLV Health on Friday, Nov. 6, to help purchase food for Food Bank Thanksgiving Baskets. From left, Katelyn Yee, Food Bank volunteer; SLV Health Employees Damian Espinoza, Jullian Castro, Ressa Gonzales, Albert Gomez, Isaiah Medina, and Araceli Ortiz; John Degenhart, SLVH Food Service Director; Christine Hettinger-Hunt, SLVH COO; and Food Bank Director Lyndsey Williams.

Almost 200 families in the San Luis Valley community will be able to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner, thanks to the assistance of San Luis Valley Health.

“In a time of so much uncertainty, we are beyond grateful that our partners at San Luis Valley Health are once again able to strongly bolster our great Thanksgiving giveaway food distribution efforts this year,” said Lyndsey Williams, director of the La Puente’s Food Bank Network of the San Luis Valley.

The donation is a combined effort of SLV Health employees. SLV Health donated the proceeds from lunches that employees purchased on Oct. 13 and Oct. 27, and with additional donations, brought the grand total to a little more than $5,100. In addition to the monetary donation, SLV Health employees are doing even more this holiday season.

“Not only will SLV Health’s generosity provide 185 valley residents with a full holiday meal, but staff members have also committed to volunteering to help pack and distribute boxes,” Williams said. “We can’t thank their staff enough!”