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Coronavirus Update from SLVH Incident Command

Oliver de Raet, MD wears PPE

Public Announcement

Date: 3.17.2020

Subject: COVID-19 (coronavirus) Update from SLV Health Incident Command

San Luis Valley Health (SLVH) remains committed to taking care of our community’s healthcare needs. On Monday, March 9, 2020, leaders at SLVH stood up Incident Command to prepare and plan for this dynamic, changing healthcare pandemic. There are no known positive cases at this time in the San Luis Valley (3.17.2020, 10:00 a.m.)

If you have general questions about the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), please call CO HELP at 1-877-462-2911, which is available in both English and Spanish.

If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please call our nurse line at 719-589-2511 and Press 9. Please call this number or your provider before entering a healthcare facility.

Who should be wearing a protective facemask?

  • If you are coughing frequently, you should wear a mask to limit possible exposure to others;
  • Medical staff are following CDC guidelines when they need to wear masks so resources and supplies will be used appropriately; and
  • Healthcare workers who are testing, triaging and treating patients who are ill will wear appropriate Protective Personal Equipment (PPE) according to CDC guidelines.

Please send an email to with your concerns and questions.