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Mannerberg Graduates as Imaging Sonographer

SLV Health Employees: Front Row, L to R: Robyn Williams, Imaging Supervisor; Daniela Mannerberg, Imaging Sonographer; Konnie Martin, CEO. Back Row, L to R: Mandy Crockett, Human Resources Director, and Janet McGinnis, Imaging Director.

Daniela (Duran) Mannerberg graduated in July 2020 from the Washburn University General Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program. After completing the program, she then took and subsequently passed her Sonography Principles & Instrumentation (SPI) and OBGYN registries, which now allows her to officially work as a registered ultrasound technologist. She began working in her official full-time ultrasound career on Monday, July 20, 2020. Janet McGinnis, Director of Radiology and Imaging at SLV Health, commented, “I am very proud of her accomplishments and I am extremely grateful to have her on our team in the Imaging Department.” This position of an Ultrasound Sonographer is one of the “hard to fill” positions. SLV Health leadership, under the direction of Konnie Martin, CEO, and Mandy Crockett, Director of Human Resources, helped Janet and Daniela with a unique “grow-your-own” plan that ended up being a perfect win-win for both the organization and for Daniela.

Daniela was born and raised in the San Luis Valley and like most young people, she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do when she grew up. But she was certain about one thing. She wanted to work in healthcare. “For some reason, even as a little girl, I knew I wanted to work in the medical field,” reflected Daniela. She graduated with a biology degree from Adams State University and was still uncertain about her career path. In 2018, she was hired as a Radiology Assistant in SLVH’s Imaging Department. McGinnis explains, “Daniela completed her hands-on training under our supervision while attending the classes online.”

“I am so thankful and excited beyond words to become a Sonographer,” said Daniela. “The struggles and effort have been well worth it, and I am thankful to all those who have helped me on this road to a successful and rewarding career in healthcare. I feel lucky to be a part of this team and am super excited to start this new journey. ”