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Students decorate placemats for patients

With the holidays in full swing, students from Bill Metz Elementary School got into the spirit of giving by decorating hundreds of placemats to donate to San Luis Valley Health Regional Medical Center in Alamosa.

Students from first grade through fifth grade participated in the project, explained Special Education Paraprofessional Annie Henderhan. The students had been looking for things to do locally as part of a “Spreading Kindness” program at the school.

Each student received a blank placemat donated by the hospital, and used crayons, markers and other art supplies to decorate the mat with pictures and words of encouragement.


“This is the first year the students are doing this, and this small gesture makes such a huge impact on the patients here at San Luis Valley Health,” said San Luis Valley Health Foundation Director Kelly Gurule. “I’m thrilled the students thought of the patients, and so impressed and appreciative of their dedication.”

“The kids were so excited to make these, and help make someone’s day a little bit brighter,” Henderhan said. “This is a project the students plan to continue throughout the year, and they are looking forward to doing more in the future.”