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SLV Health Directors Earn Accreditation

Angie Werner, Director of Provider Support Services and Mandy Crockett, Director of Human Resources at San Luis Valley Health (SLVH), recently completed a week-long course to become accredited as Insights Discovery Practitioners!

Based on the work of Carl Jung and Jolande Jacobi, Insights uses psychometric models to develop an awareness of self and others that can be used to make practical improvements in the workplace and in relationships.

Using an outside consultant, the Insights Program has been used in the past by SLVH with members of the leadership and provider teams. With their accreditations, Angie and Mandy will have access to Insights resources and training material and be able to deliver the training to various SLVH team members on a consistent basis.

The coursework contained of pre-workshop homework, 32 hours of intense classroom training, and a post-workshop confirmation of learning quiz. For the week of classroom training, Angie and Mandy were surrounded by a wealth of professional leaders representing a diverse network of industries and expertise.

Mandy stated, “This work provides a fascinating and engaging approach to personal and professional development. I look forward to working with our teams on the program this coming year!”

Congratulations to both Angie and Mandy!

Angie and Mandy with group at Insights Training