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CCH BBQ & Quilt Auction and Groundbreaking Event 2018

Join SLV Health in a groundbreaking and fundraiser event at Conejos County Hospital in La Jara on Saturday, June 23rd from 11 to 2.  A great lunch, homemade pies and live auction will help raise funds to make improvements to the hospital and the grounds.  For more information or to purchase tickets, please contact Daniel at 587-4773.

In the past, the San Luis Valley Health Conejos County Hospital (CCH) Foundation BBQ and Quilt Auction, has been held on a beautiful weekend; with had great food, great auction items and more importantly, a great community turnout. Typically, hospital staff, family, community members and others come out to support the event and help with raising funds. One-hundred percent of funds raised during the Saturday event will go towards supporting an upcoming CCH remodeling project!

Event Flyer