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SLVH Foundation/Del Monte Gun Club's 2018 Sporting Classic a Success

The annual end of summer “Super Sporting Classic” annual fundraiser hosted by the Del Monte Gun Club, benefitting the Cancer Center of San Luis Valley Health was a great success again. Over 350 targets were smashed in this competitive event that included an auction and entertainment.  The grand prize was donated back to be re-auctioned for an additional thousand dollars to total over $11,000 to benefit healthcare services in the San Luis Valley.

Penrose St. Francis Health Services and Centura Outreach came together to bring two teams of shooters for the 15th annual Sporting Clays Fund Raiser. One of the Centura participants commented, “We had a great time and were able to shoot approximately 350 rounds over two days. This event brings in about $14,000 for the health system and we are thankful to have played a part!”clayshoot team

L to R: Dr. Charlie Mains, Gary Vukasin (Performer), Robert Nartker (Dir. of Ambulatory for PSF), Brad Cheatwood (kneeling and husband to Dr. Toni Green-Cheatwood), Larry Warner (kneeling, father of Cory Warner), Cory Warner (kneeling, Director of Orthopedics PSF), Lonnie R. Cramer (COO & Team Leader), and Sammy Reynolds (Regional Director, Centura Clinical Engineering)

clayshoot memberclayshoot receptiondog in truck

A dog named Bullet traveled to the event from Durango.