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Cancer and Exercise Study at ASU and SLV Health

ALAMOSA (October 11) – The Adams State University Human Performance and Physical Education Department, SLV Health Oncology Clinic, and the Alamosa Family Recreational Center are collaborating on a cancer and exercise study. Dr. M. "Penny" Cooper, Oncologist, and Danielle Smith, Adams State HPPE graduate student, are looking for cancer survivor volunteers for their study, “Investigating the Effects of a Supervised, Progressive, Eight-Week Physical Activity Program on Cancer Survivors' Health, Fitness and Quality of Life.”

Interested participants are asked to attend a meeting held at 5:15 p.m. Monday, Oct. 30, at the SLV Health Education & Conference Center (formerly Grizzly Inn) in the Mount Blanca Room. Consent forms and questionnaires will be completed at this time. The Conference Center is located at 1921 Main Street in Alamosa.

The study is part of Smith’s master’s thesis. “We are looking to recruit 40 cancer survivor volunteers.” The study will begin January 16, 2018 and will consist of a week of pre- and post-testing for all participants using FitnessAge Testing and a Six-Minute-Walk-Test and an Eight-Week Exercise Intervention, for a total of ten weeks. Participants will be randomly selected into a control group and an exercise group. The control group will continue with their usual care and will not participate in the exercise intervention. The exercise group will complete an eight-week exercise intervention.  The control group will be offered the exercise intervention, if interested, after the 10-week study. 

The exercise intervention consists of three days a week of supervised exercise for eight weeks; and will include one day of aerobic exercise on Mondays, one day of resistance circuit training on Wednesdays, and one day of a group sport activity on Fridays. Exercise times are scheduled from 11 a.m. until 12 p.m. or from 2 p.m. until 3 p.m.

Heart rate monitors will be worn during the exercise interventions. All volunteers must have their physician's approval. At the end of the study, all results will be calculated and the two groups will be compared for changes in their health.  

For more information, or for anyone that is interested but can't make the October 30 meeting, please contact Smith at 719-480-1355.