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Lids for Kids Event Fills Cole Park in Alamosa

Girl with bike helmet


Alamosa, Colorado - June 29, 2017.  San Luis Valley Health hosted the 2nd annual Lids for Kids bike and safety event in Cole Park where free helmets and bikes were won by children in the community. The registration process ended early with 1,000 kids registering to get a chance to win a bike. Over 200 bikes were donated by SLVH staff, the SLVH ambassadors, and even a few from community organizations. 

Man helping child ride a bikeWoman walking a bike

It is estimated that more than 2,200 people came out for this event!

As part of the Trauma Level 3 status, this outreach project engages the community to provide an educational, injury prevention event that also promotes health, fitness, safety and fun!  Free snow cones, ice cream and the hoses from the fire truck kept the kids cool as they waited for their number to be drawn. The SLVH Nutrition Team served burgers and hot dogs for a donation to the SLVH “Helping Hands” employee assistance program.

Where do all the bikes come from?  Group of event volunteers

Our own staff and volunteers personally donate the bikes.  The safety booths were sponsored by SLVH Pediatrics, SLVH Ambassadors, Alamosa Police Department, Colorado State Patrol, La Llave, Eagle Air Medical/Reach Air Transport, Valley Wide Health System, Alamosa Ambulance, Costilla Ambulance and Red Cross. 

Two volunteers sitting at a table Ambulance

A group of volunteers made sure that the helmets, donated by Centura Health, were properly fitted while also being educated about properly wearing helmets and bike safety. Eagle Air Medical landed their helicopter and allowed the public to sit inside it. Alamosa and Costilla Ambulances

Rows of bikes

were on site allowing individuals to enter the ambulances, and Coca Cola donated the water.  

People practicing CPRWoman helping child with bike helmet Truck full of bikes

San Luis Valley Health Educators showed the public how to perform CPR in an interactive station.

The successful Lids for Kids event could not take place without the many donations, volunteers and cooperation with WalMart of Alamosa, Centura Health and the many other community partners.