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SLV Health’s La Jara Clinic Excels in CDPHE CMS Survey

La Jara, Colorado.   On January 5, 2017, the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment’s Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) conducted a surprise survey at SLV Health’s La Jara Clinic.  Even though it had been over ten years with a lot of changes over that time, the management and staff were elated that they passed the survey with “zero deficiencies.” Clinic Manager Michelle Gay commented on the process, “They want to see if you are actually following the policies as you state them in your manual. They looked at employee files, sample charts, looked through drawers and supplies, and much more.  It was a very thorough review and I couldn’t be prouder of my team.”

 La Jara Clinic

The surveyor spoke one-on-one with the staff and commented to Michelle, “You have such an intelligent staff,” and she was clearly impressed with the team huddles and open communication.  She especially pointed out the quality improvement plan and the nurse education plan as excellent tools.