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SLV Healh's Parnership with Women's Wellness Connection

The Women’s Wellness Connection (WWC) can help pay for clinical breast, cervical exams, breast imaging for uninsured or underinsured women. We are excited to report that WWC has granted additional funds to purchase breast models for all SLVH Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Surgeons and Women’s Health clinics along with patient education materials. The models can be used to educate women on self-breast exams and provides irregular areas to demonstrate what they can feel like.

We continue to have a partnership with the Women’s Wellness Connection and continue to accept referrals from our Providers. If you have a patient who is in need of this funding please call Rebecca Daniels, WWC Navigator at (719) 587-6361 she can answer questions about the grant and can determine if the patient is eligible for the grant.

Jayne Schiffer, CNM, MS with a patient demonstrating on the model

Jayne Schiffer, CNM, MS with a patient demonstrating on the model