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CCH Lab Passes Inspection with No Deficincies

Who likes an audit (or survey)?  Usually, nobody, especially when the surveyors seem to find every little detail to “right you up” about.  Well, CONGRATULATIONS to the awesome work being done by the folks in SLV Health’s Conejos County Hospital laboratory, because they just passed their Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) inspection with NO DEFICIENCIES!!  Do you know how difficult it is to pass any type of survey without at least one area in which to improve?  CCH Lab Director Brent Lehto, upon hearing the news, reported this about the results, “The survey showed that all CLIA condition-level requirements were met during the onsite survey.  There are hundreds of CLIA requirements to meet to get zero deficiencies.  The inspector goes through our records for the last 2 years since the last inspection and talks to me and the other staff to verify how we are doing things.  The inspector also observes staff to see if they are following procedure.  I’m very proud of our team and the hard work that’s been done to follow protocol with each and every patient we serve.”  Way to go, CCH Lab Team!

Pictured: Brent Lehto from Left to Right: Ernestine Winchester, Rowella Sy, Debbie Thomas and Lani Garrido.