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SLV Health Receives National Recognition for Performance Leadership

San Luis Valley, Colorado, November 17, 2016 - Exceptional Performance Leadership Awards for 2016 have been announced by iVantage to two rural hospitals.  The National Organization of State Office of Rural Health (NOSORH) recognized SLV Health Conejos County Hospital for overall excellence in financial strength and patient outcomes and SLV Regional Medical Center in patient outcomes. With the awards from iVantage, CCH and RMC have been showcased as top quartile performers among all rural acute care hospitals in the nation in delivering high quality care at lower costs, a very difficult goal in the healthcare arena. SLV Health CEO, Konnie Martin complimented her team, “I am pleased about the recognition of our physicians and clinical teams that serve our community.  This achievement is a testimony to their hard work and diligence.”

ER staff

Dr. Greg McAuliffe and Julie Ramstetter, Trauma Nurse Coordinator, pose for a photo with the iVantage Award in the ER with SLV Health Emergency Dept. staff.

Upon receiving news about the awards, CCH Administrator Kelly Gallegos remarked, “Of all the categories we could be recognized for, outcomes is at the top of the list.  There is no greater purpose than producing positive outcomes for our patients and their families.” According to iVantage Health Analytics, rural providers across America are delivering tremendous value to their communities. Gallegos commented “in such a complex environment, we are proud of the fact that CCH is part of the SLV Health system which has resulted in this strong financial performance. Our ER in La Jara is now fully staffed and we have added practitioners to our family practices in both clinics. To score as one of the rural health leaders in the whole country is great recognition and shows the quality and efficiency of our hospital leadership.”

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Kelly Gallegos, CCH Administrator, and Tandra Dunn, CCH Director of Nursing, pose with CCH staff and the iVantage Award

The rankings have been determined by the Hospital Strength INDEX®, the industry’s most comprehensive and objective assessment of rural hospital performance.In partnership with NOSORH, iVantage Health Analytics has developed a data-driven program designed to identify excellence across a broad spectrum of indicators relevant to hospital performance and patient care. The metric for the Financial Stability award is based on debt ratio, liquidity, capital efficiency and resource availability.  The metric for Patient Outcomes are based on readmission and mortality scores, patient safety indicator composite scores and overall Medicare inpatient risk-adjusted scores.

Another award for 2016 bestowed on the SLVH RMC was from Healthgrades.  SLVH RMC received the Patient Safety Excellence Award which recognizes hospitals for how well a hospital prevents infections, medical errors, and other complications based on 14 serious, potentially preventable adverse events.  Patients receiving care at facilities receiving this recognition have, on average, a lower risk of experience patient safety events.  As Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Greg McAuliffe explains, “These awards recognize and applaud the changes we have implemented to promote better outcomes for our patients.  Our patients are our friends and neighbors, and we work diligently every day to achieve these types of positive results.”

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