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San Luis Valley Health: Very Best in Quality and Safety

Dr. Greg McAuliffe is the Chief Medical Officer for San Luis Valley Health and lead the team that developed Strategy Two: Very Best in Quality and Safety.

Providing a high-quality, safe environment for our patients is of the utmost importance to San Luis Valley Health.  The second strategy of our 2014-15 Strategy Map is titled “Very Best in Quality and Safety”, and we are striving to be just that. 

Our organization has made great strides in working towards becoming the Very Best in Quality and Safety.  We have seen reductions in all-cause readmissions (patients returning within 30 days of discharge) and harmful events such as patient falls. 

We developed our goals within the context of being the Very Best in Quality and Safety to capture the progress we have made in both our All-Cause Readmission Rate and Harm Event Rate and to reflect the work that still needs to be done.  We also recognize that there will always be work to do to continue to improve the patient care we provide and have implemented strategies that will help us in doing so.

Over the past year, we have seen reductions in both our All-Cause Readmission Rate and in Harm Event Rate.  For the upcoming year, we would like to see a 10% reduction in both categories.  As you will see in the stories below, we have celebrated some tremendous achievements over the past year with regards to quality and safety.  Setting a goal of a 10% reduction in these two categories will only bolster the progress that we have already made.

Through effectively using data, monitoring quality of care metrics, and creating an environment that protects the safety of our customers, we feel that we will continue to provide a safe and quality experience for patients.  As mentioned above, our team treats patient safety with the utmost importance and is committed to being the Very Best in Quality and Safety. 

I am proud of the progress that we have made and believe in the team and systems we have in place to keep moving forward.

Your Trusted Partner in Health,

Dr. Greg McAuliffe

Chief Medical Officer, San Luis Valley Health

This article is part of the series “Introducing our Strategy Map: 2014-15” for San Luis Valley Health.  This article focuses on the second of four strategies, Very Best in Quality and Safety, that San Luis Valley Health will focus on in the upcoming year.