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SLV Behavioral Health Group Puts Stamp on Breast Cancer Awareness Month

From left to right, Dawn Loch, Carol Cotter, and Barbara Scanga all were part of the 21 employees that participated in SLVBHG's Screening Day.

This past May, employees of the 12th Judicial District set up a Breast Cancer Screening Day at San Luis Valley Health and 24 employees received a mammogram. 

That group then challenged the San Luis Valley Behavioral Health Group to do the same thing.

On October 3rd, 21 employees of the SLV Behavioral Health Group accepted the challenge and participated in a screening day of their own as part of a way to support their team members’ wellness and health.

“Kim Wood of the 12th Judicial District challenged us because theirs was so successful,” explained Kristina Daniel, Chief Operating Officer of the SLV Behavioral Health Group.  “She knows how important breast cancer screenings are for early detection, and when we presented the idea to our team, many team members were in support of the initiative.”

According to Daniel, the team at San Luis Valley Health made the entire process seamless and worked to get food set up, as well as pre-registrations completed. 

“They (SLV Health) even called everyone’s insurance to get the authorizations needed,” explained Daniel.  “The staff members working in the Stephanie L. Miner Women’s Imaging Center were very professional, welcoming and friendly.  We could not have asked for a better team.”

The day after their screenings, the employees of the SLV Behavioral Health Group participated in the 11th Annual Stephanie L. Miner 5K Walk/Run, adding 12 more to make a team of 33.  This was the largest team that participated in the event this year.

The SLV Behavioral Health Group is now determining who to challenge to set up a screening day for their employees and encourages other organizations to get involved in this service that San Luis Valley Health offers.

“We had a great day together and celebrated making our lives healthier,” said Daniel.  “Our hope is that these types of screenings become routine and help women break some of the barriers that may come up for them if they had to go in without the support of a team behind them.”