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12th Judicial District Employees Receive Annual Mammograms

Kim Wood remembers the day like it was yesterday.  The Radiologist she was speaking to called it a good day.  Wood thought that might have been a bit of an overstatement.  She had just been diagnosed with breast cancer.

It was that day that motivated Wood to develop a “Smash and Dash” day for the women of the 12th Judicial District.  A judge in the San Luis Valley over the past 13 years, Wood worked diligently with Court Administrator Christina Gallegos and the San Luis Valley Health Women’s Imaging staff to coordinate the “Smash and Dash” that took place this past Friday. 

“I was so impressed by the enthusiasm and joy that was being exhibited by the employees of the 12th Judicial District during their ‘Smash and Dash’,” said SLV Health CEO Konnie Martin.  “This was a great event for all involved.  We encourage other organizations in the community to reach out and set something like this up for their employees.”

Altogether, 24 women were able to receive their annual mammograms, on their company’s time, making it both very convenient and affordable for them to do so.

“This was such a rewarding experience,” said Wood.  “Our employees took full advantage of the important opportunity to receive their mammogram.  This is something we plan on doing every year.”

The 12th Judicial District Employees were the first non-medical agency to put on their own “smash and dash” and are now challenging other employers in the area to create their own event.

“San Luis Valley Health made the process as seamless as possible,” stated Wood.  “We would like to thank all of the staff for their help in putting this on.  24 women have been able to do something that is extremely important for their long-term health.  We are very grateful to SLV Health for arranging this for us.”

The Radiologist called it a good day.  Now Wood, a breast cancer survivor, knows why.  The cancer she had been diagnosed with was caught at a very early stage, allowing her to beat it and move on with life.  Now she is helping her peers and colleagues do the same thing.

Does your organization want to schedule its own “Smash and Dash”?  Please call Patient Navigator Rebecca Daniels at 719-587-6361 for more information.

Employees of the 12th Judicial District pose for a photo outside the Stephanie L. Miner Women's Imaging Center. Altogether, 24 employees received a mammogram last Friday.