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SLV Heath Featured on "The Doctors" TV show

When Physical Therapist Liz Drake first met Jaiden, she was endeared by his charming demeanor. 

She saw him as a fun-loving young man, a fan of videogames, with a sense of humor capable of putting a smile on anyone’s face.

That sense of humor, along with remarkable resiliency, are some of this young man’s greatest assets. 

Jaiden's Condition

An eight-year old patient of San Luis Valley Health’s PRO Therapy department, Jaiden is a sufferer of stiff skin syndrome, a rare connective tissue disorder that causes the skin to turn thick and as hard as stone. 

Stiff skin syndrome is so rare in fact that Jaiden is just the 41st person to ever be diagnosed with the disorder. Doctors think that the disorder is caused by a gene mutation that causes hard, stone-like patches to appear in different spots of the skin.  These can appear on joints, making those joints immobile. 

"The Doctors" TV Appearance

Jaiden and his family were featured this week on the hit TV show “The Doctors”, with segments filmed at SLV Health.  The episode showcased the treatment Jaiden receives and discussed the disorder in greater detail, although much is still unknown.  At the end of the episode, Jaiden was presented with a surprise that put a big smile on his face, which can be seen at the end of the third segment.

Treatment at SLV Health

Drake works with Jaiden to help halt the progression of these patches through a variety of stretching exercises.  These exercises can aide in the prevention or slowing of scar tissue causing joint stiffness.  This regimen has helped disrupt the progression of a disorder that currently has no cure.      

His adoptive parents, Natalie and Tim, noticed a hard patch of skin on his thigh roughly 18 months ago and since then have been eager to help Jaiden in any way they could.  So begin the partnership with SLV Health and Drake.  Drake has gone above and beyond to help the family, not just with treatment, but in navigating through the financial process of treating this disorder and offering treatments and exercises that can be completed at home.

“The lengths to which the family has gone to support Jaiden are truly amazing,” said Drake.  “They are rolling with the punches all the way around.”

Watch the Program

Did you miss the episode showcasing Jaiden and San Luis Valley Health?  Check it out at SLV Health's Facebook Page.