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Micaela Romero, LCSW

Micaela (MEEka-Eh-La) Romero, Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), has joined the San Luis Valley Health’s Behavioral Health Clinic. She is an LCSW who has been providing therapy in a variety of settings in Austin, Texas, including inpatient psychiatric care and intensive outpatient programming. She grew up in the San Luis Valley, graduated from Centauri High School, and received a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology with a minor in Chicano Studies from the University of New Mexico. She graduated with a Master of Science degree in Social Work with a clinical concentration from The University of Texas at Austin. She enjoys the outdoors, reading, and running. She is excited to be back near her roots, her family and the mountains.

Phone: 719-589-8008
Contact Information Behavioral Health Clinic

2115 Stuart Avenue
Alamosa, CO 81101

(719) 589-8008