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Laura Burkhardt, LCSW

Laura Burkhardt, LSW, graduated in 2016 with her Master’s in Social Work from Metropolitan State University in Denver.  She joined the SLV Health Behavioral Health group in August of 2016.

Her internships were in the areas of crisis intervention, refugee resettlement, and developing/running after school programs for at-risk youth.

Laura is thankful to be part of an organization that shares the belief that true health care address the entire person: physical, emotional, psychological, social and spiritual. Laura loves educating patient’s on the many factors that impact health. She finds joy in supporting our patients’ journey of self-discovery and helping patients develop skills for improving health.

For her own health and well-being, Laura loves spending time with her four-footed companion, Mahli, while enjoying rock climbing, camping and hiking.  She is learning to ski and professes to be good at “falling down.”  When she’s not outdoors, she likes to read and listen to music.

Phone: 719-589-8008
Contact Information Monte Vista Community Clinic

103 Chico Court
Monte Vista, CO 81144

(719) 852-9400