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If you feel you have coronavirus symptoms, please call (719) 589-3000, Press 9.

Coronavirus FAQ & Updates

Where and how can I sign up for a COVID-19 vaccine in the SLV?

The booster is available to everyone in Colorado over the age of 5 who has passed the amount of time advised since receiving their COVID-19 vaccination.

Please print and complete and bring this form to your vaccine appointment. Or the form in Spanish aqui.

For the booster or pediatric shot, here is the form in English and aqui is the form in Spanish.

COVID-19 Vaccine in the San Luis Valley

What should I expect when I get the vaccine?

  • The vaccine is free to you. Your provider may ask for insurance information, if you have insurance.

  • You do not have to be a US citizen, and you will not be required to show I.D.

  • Be prepared to stay 15-30 minutes for observation following your vaccination. Allergic reactions are rare, but staying for a short observation period means that medical care is readily available if you need it.

  • You may have a sore arm or feel under the weather for a day or two after you get the vaccine. Side effects show that your immune system is preparing to fight the virus.

  • Plan to get your second dose at the same place, as instructed, approximately 4 weeks after the first dose.

What about after I get the vaccine?

  • Maximum protection will not take effect until 1-2 weeks after your second dose.

  • The Moderna vaccine has proven to be 95% effective.

  • Continue to wear a mask and practice social distancing until a sufficient number of people in our community have been vaccinated.

If you have questions about how vaccines work, vaccine safety, or other general vaccine information, call 1-877-CO VAX CO (1-877-268-2926). Spanish speakers are available.

Where can I get the vaccine?


In most cases, appointments are required. To sign up to receive a vaccine, contact one of the local providers below.If you have an appointment and you can’t make it, please call to cancel so that no vaccine is wasted.

SLV Health - (719) 587-1355 or

Valley-Wide Health Systems - (719) 587-9610 or

Rio Grande Hospital - (719) 657-2418 or

Alamosa County Public Health - (719) 589-6639 or

Conejos County Public Health - 719-274-4307

Costilla County Public Health - (719) 672-3332 or

Silver Thread Public Health - (719) 658-2416 or

Rio Grande County Public Health - (719) 657-3352 or

Saguache County Public Health - 719-655-2533 or

City Market Pharmacy - sign up at

Safeway Pharmacy - sign up at

Walgreens Pharmacy - sign up at

Walmart Pharmacy – sign up at

Where can I get a COVID test?

Please contact the SLVH Respiratory Clinic during normal business hours. (719) 589-3000, press 9. The clinic is located at 2115 Stuart Ave, Alamosa, CO 81101.


Message from Konnie Martin, CEO, SLV Health

"Our hospitals and clinics have made significant changes in recent months to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases while caring for patients. As your trusted partner in health since 1927, your health and well-being have been our top priority, especially during these uncertain times. Not only have we been able to safely test, treat, and isolate COVID-19 positive patients, we have sufficiently equipped and re-trained our caregivers and front line staff on proper infection control practices. Facilities has implemented social distancing in waiting rooms, mask-use in common areas, and limited entrance and exit points. Maintenance staff are regularly conducting deep-cleaning throughout our buildings. Clinicians have also made the painful but necessary decision to place restrictions on visitors, in alignment with CDC guidance. Our caring and dedicated staff have provided exemplary care for all of our patients and are deeply appreciated. We are proud of our track record and welcome all of our patients, visitors, and travelers to our safe facilities."

FAQ's from the regional Healthcare Coalition


I was diagnosed with COVID-19, but I feel ok (I am asymptomatic, or I have recovered). When can I go back to work? If you received a positive COVID-19 test result, it is important to follow the guidelines Public Health gave you when they contacted you to follow up on the test result. Everyone’s case is different, depending on exposure, symptom severity and duration, and close contacts. If you have questions, call your local Public Health office.

My employer wants to know when I can come back to work, what can I tell them?

Tell them that you do not have a specific date, but need to stay home at least ten days since getting tested (with a positive test) or since you started feeling sick. This may be extended if you still feel sick after ten days, especially if you have a fever, or if Public Health has recommended you continue to stay home.

I’ve been told by Public Health to isolate, but I need a work excuse, how can I get one? Your Public Health office can provide a letter with isolation/quarantine recommendations that can be used for that purpose.

My employer told me I need a negative COVID-19 test result to come back to work. How do I get one? A negative COVID-19 test is not recommended by Public Health for clearance to go back to work. A person can test positive for several weeks despite being asymptomatic or properly recovered. According to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), “Negative results do not rule out the potential for infection and may offer a false sense of security.” More guidance for workplaces and employers can be found here:

I need a letter of clearance to go back to work, how do I get one? Public Health can provide a note saying you are no longer under quarantine or isolation guidance, but cannot officially “clear” you of COVID-19 to return to work.

I am asymptomatic. I was tested for COVID after close contact with someone who tested positive, and my test came back negative, when can I get tested again? You should wait at least 7 days if you are still asymptomatic to pursue testing again.

What are the visitor restrictions at the hospital? I need to be with my loved one at this time.

As of November 5, 2020, new visitor restrictions are in place. All visitors must check in at the front desk. No visitors are allowed physically to visit a patient who has tested positive for COVID-19. All visitors are required to wear a mask or face covering while in SLVH facilities. All visitors will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms. Visitors are required to wash their hands or use an alcohol-based hand rub before entering or leaving a patient's room. All visitors are required to practice social or physical distancing, stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms' length) from others while in public areas.

One visitor (18 years or older) per patient per day is allowed. All visitors must stay in patient rooms or exam areas to limit traffic throughout the facility. All other family members and friends will NOT be permitted to enter the facility or wait in lobby or common areas.

Visitor restrictions are in place across all SLVH facilities, including clinics and the emergency department.

Visitors may use the SLVH cafeteria services. Staff can assist with virtual visitations for COVID patients.

Who should be wearing a protective facemask?

  • If you are coughing frequently, you should wear a facemask to limit possible exposure to others;
  • Healthcare workers who are testing, triaging, and treating patients who are ill, will wear appropriate Protective Personal Equipment (PPE) according to CDC guidelines.
  • Research has shown that a DIY (Do it Yourself) mask may help block the spread of COVID-19 by preventing people who are asymptomatically infected from spreading the disease unknowingly. There are many ways in which you can create a mask to wear from using a bandanna to sewing a mask using one of the many DIY patterns available. While the DIY mask may help slow the spread of COVID-19, it does not provide 100% safety from transmission. It is important to wash your hands, follow the stay-at-home orders and adhere to the social distancing guidelines

What should I do if I think I have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19)?

  • If you feel you have symptoms, please call SLV Health at (719) 589-3000 and press 9.
  • The most common symptoms are fever, cough and shortness of breath. Other symptoms like loss of smell are listed on the CDC website.
  • The nurses and providers will probably make special arrangements if they suspect you have the coronavirus and want you to come in for testing or for a visit.
  • Click here for people who have or might have Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and their families or caregivers.

  • Going to the clinic or hospital without calling ahead could expose more people to the virus.
  • What are the less common symptoms of COVID-19?

    Other less common symptoms include headache, loss of taste and smell, nausea, diarrhea and body aches. If you have mild symptoms, you can usually self-care, rest, and make sure to stay hydrated. The symptoms should resolve in a week or less.

    If you develop emergency warning signs you should get medical attention immediately - these include trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to wake up, or bluish lips or face.

What constitutes having a fever?

Having a fever usually means that an adult body temperature has reached 100.4° F (38°C) or higher, but this can vary between people. An infection, such as the flu, is the most common cause of fever.

I am getting ready to go on a trip. What should I know about any sort of travel restrictions?

It's important to stay informed about travel restrictions. Call your airline ahead of your travel date. The CDC has a helpful web page. The labs at RMC and CCH offer testing ahead of the trip through Direct to Consumer.

How is coronavirus treated?

The best treatment is prevention! The more that patients and caregivers can do to prevent spreading the virus, the better. Treatment will vary, depending upon the patient's level of acuity. Washing hands for a minimum of 20 seconds and using alcohol-based rubs will help prevent the virus from spreading.

Will wearing a mask help prevent me from getting the virus?

  • Wear a mask if you are coughing, sneezing, or around other people.
  • Masks are effective when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.

Please submit your question by sending an email to

You will not receive a personal email reply. Your question may be addressed on our FAQ page, so please check back frequently.