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The Pulse Extra is SLV Health’s monthly newsletter that arrives in your email inbox on the first Friday of each month. Stay up to date with news and events at San Luis Valley Health! Your email address will not be shared or sold in any way.

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Volunteer Opportunities

To serve is the highest calling. At San Luis Valley Health, we are so grateful to the many volunteers who help us warmly and professionally serve the public every day.

San Luis Valley Health is fortunate to benefit from dedicated volunteers, whom we call Ambassadors. The Ambassadors can be seen throughout the hospital with bright smiles and always a helping hand!

Group of volunteers smiling

Join us in making exceptional healthcare possible by becoming an ambassador!

Click here for the application.

Email Kelly Gurule at, Director of Foundation, or call (719) 587-5707.

Ambassadors make a patient at a time. Some of the daily duties include: Outpatient surgical transportation, greeting the patients, coffee services and overall guides to services and locations. The schedule may be flexible, but mostly follows: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - Noon or 12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Group of volunteers serving meals

Group of volunteers wrapping up meals

SLV Health appreciates the value the Ambassadors bring to the patients and provides uniforms, free meals while working, training, and most important... friendship!

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi