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DAISY Nursing Excellence


The DAISY (TM) Award for Extraordinary Nurses became part of recognizing outstanding nurses at SLV Health in the fall of 2022. Why DAISY? Patrick Barnes woke up with some blood blisters in his mouth. A visit to the doctor revealed he had a dangerously low platelet count and he was admitted to the hospital. The diagnosis was the auto-immune disease ITP (Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura). The DAISY Foundation was established in 1999 by the family of J. Patrick Barnes who died from complications of the autoimmune disease Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP) at the age of 33. DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune SYstem.

Click here for a link to recommend a nurse at SLV Health for the DAISY award. Who can recommend an excellent nurse? Patients, family members of patients, co-workers, and visitors to SLV Health are all welcome to recognize a nurse for their outstanding care.

Which credentials qualify for a DAISY nomination?

Registered Nurse (RN), Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), Certified Nurse Mid-Wife (CNM), Nurse Practitioner (NP), or a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN).

Who has won the award at SLV Health?

In January 2023, we celebrated the first DAISY nominated nurse at SLV Health. The winner was Dwayne Candy, RN, who is a nurse in OR/Surgery. He was nominated by two different patients and scored the highest overall. Read his full story here.

Amy Oaks, RN, Cancer Center Clinic, received the second award and was nominated numerous times by several of her patients. Her story is posted here.

Our third recipient, Taylor Escheman, RN, takes care of some of our most critical patients in the Regional Medical Center's Emergency Department. Her story and photos can be found here.

The next recipient was Kat Cummins, RN, BSN who works at SLVH RMC's inpatient med/surg department. Read her story here.

Passing the traveling banner next went to Ellie Garcia, RN, who works in the SLVH RMC Emergency Department. Check out her photos and story here.

The banner was passed back to med/surg with the winner, Rikki Archuleta, RN. Her story and photos are here.

In November of 2024, Lisa Garofalo joined the elite class of DAISY winners at SLVH. Her story is here.

Malissa Strand became the first Conejos County Hospital DAISY winner in February, 2025.
dwayne and Jennifer

Pictured with Dwayne, is former committee chair, Jennifer Walker, RN, former Nurse Manager of OB/Labor & Delivery at SLV Health.

More information about SLV Health Nurses

Check out this video to see why nurses like working at SLV Health. And, here is another video to get a glimpse into why the nurses enjoy working at SLVH and living in the San Luis Valley.

Each year, several SLVH nurses are nominated and celebrated at the annual Nightingale event.

The Nurse Residency program provides excellent onboarding support for new nurses.